This Workout Plan Includes.

By following this 12-week program, you will benefit from a healthy meal plan consisting of meals rich in proteins, fibers, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Additionally, you will have access to a guide that reveals the beneficial supplements for intense workouts. We provide you with the workout plan, which includes each exercise illustrated with an image and accompanied by detailed instructions for proper execution. All you need to do is stay committed, adhere to this program for 12 weeks, and the results will become visible over time

Daily Workouts

12 Weeks of Training
A well-structured training program focused on muscle groups, spanning a 12-week period, divided into 4 workout days and 3 rest days

Nutrition Plan

Properly fuel your Body
Ensure support for the effort exerted in the gym through a proper diet tailored to your individual needs.

Supplement Guide

Increase your Results
Maximize the benefits of your training efforts and achieve visible results by incorporating essential supplements

For whom is this program intended?

This program is designed for active individuals leading busy lives, such as students, university students, and even those with demanding jobs. Whether you are in school or at work, the pace of your daily activities can be likened to that of a sporting event, involving effort, sweat, and fatigue. After a day of learning, work, and accumulated stress, it is beneficial to conclude the day with a sports session to release stress and relax the body.

Sport brings numerous benefits both for physical and mental health. Adopting an active lifestyle can significantly contribute to improving the quality of life. Here are some important reasons why engaging in sports is recommended:

Cardiovascular Health:

Physical activities such as running, swimming, or cycling contribute to improving cardiovascular health. They can reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and strokes.

Muscle Mass and Flexibility Improvement:

Strength training, such as weightlifting, helps build muscle mass and improve endurance. Flexibility exercises, such as yoga, can enhance agility and mobility.

Bone and Joint Health:

Physical activities contribute to maintaining bone health and reducing the risk of osteoporosis. They also help maintain joint flexibility and prevent stiffness.

Weight Management:

Regular exercise helps burn calories and maintain a healthy weight. Combined with a balanced diet, physical activities can contribute to weight loss or maintenance.

Immune System Boost:

Moderate exercise can stimulate the immune system and help fight infections and diseases.

Mental Health:

Sports have significant benefits for mental health. Physical exercises can contribute to reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. They release endorphins, happiness chemicals, which improve mood.

Discipline and Concentration Development:

Engaging in sports involves setting goals, discipline, and concentration. These skills can have extended benefits in everyday life and career.

Quality of Sleep Improvement:

Regular physical activity can contribute to improving the quality of sleep. However, it's important to avoid intense exercises just before bedtime.

Socialization and Community:

Participating in sports activities can provide opportunities to socialize and build relationships. Being part of a team or sports community can foster a sense of belonging.

Chronic Disease Prevention:

Physical activity can contribute to preventing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer.

When and how to Train

This 12-week program has been designed with 4 days of training and 3 rest days per week. It is important to note that during physical exertion, the body consumes energy throughout, and once the muscles are subjected to stress, they need rest to recover. Thus, training days necessarily require rest days. You can follow the program as per the example below or opt for a training day followed by a rest day and continue in this manner.

It is essential to listen to your body and adapt the program according to your own needs and capabilities. Additionally, make sure to pay attention to nutrition, proper hydration, and adequate rest to support performance and recovery throughout this intensive program.

Free access

It is not necessary to pay
You receive full free access to all essential information for this 12-week program. You have the opportunity to consult the detailed meal plan, the workout schedule organized by days, muscle groups, and exercises, including a guide for supplement usage.